Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Research Developement

The research method will be conducted in a three stage process. The first stage will be designing the questionnaire. The second stage will consist of administering the questionnaire. The final stage of the process will be collecting, analyzing and reporting the data.

Questionnaires will be designed around the following format:
• Determine the purpose of the study
• Gather all information necessary and consider how it will be used
• Question style will be closed format, ordinal and nominal levels of measurement
• Likert, semantic, and ranking scales will be used
• Determine layout, length, instructions and a catchy title

Administering the questionnaires will consist of the following:
• Administered via online (email, Facebook, blogs)
• Determine amount of respondents
• Recruiting participants
• Determine deadline

Analyzing and reporting the data
• Convert data into graphs

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